Wedding bands are the most important gift on the occasion of a wedding. Their values are measured not only based on the amount of metal they have but on the width too. An 8mm gold wedding band is always preferred by the customers as they are perfectly shaped bands for your fingers. Though there are bands of different widths, the most preferred bands are 8mm. The average weight of any such wedding band is never less than 3.5 grams and you can go up to 5.5 grams within that width. These bands look uniform from all sides as well as are pocket friendly. Since the price of gold is increasing day by day, many people like to have an 8mm wedding band that is made of different other metals like steel or silver.

If you will like to have some more gold in your wedding band, it may feel heavy on your fingers and may cause problems at your work. Thus you must select a lighter wedding band that will be comfortable on your finger as well as will not cause any problem. There are some advantages of a heavier band too. You can make it customized with the name of your better half engraved on it. On the other hand, you will be able to put a glittering stone on a lighter band. So both the heavy and light bands have their own advantages and disadvantages and the choice remains on you. Finally, you will have to decide what kind of band you would like to have for your wedding.